第101章 I really want to give you a big mouth! 3

发布时间:2021-09-08 14:53:23|字数:4619

"What is this kind of thing?" Claudia raised his face and pouted his lips, which were especially ruddy and bright after eating vermicelli soup. "Ogawa, you are discriminating against food. I‘ll tell you."

"I can not discriminate against your food, but can you please don‘t pit me for this kind of thing next time?"

Claudia was in a good mood to raise his eyebrows. "What‘s the matter? Is Rowan mad at you?"

It was 120 times more terrible than being angry. Alger could hardly recall, "Forget it, I‘m tired. I have to leave early."

"Gee, go, go, great hero."

As soon as Alger left, Claudia ate the rest and took out the paper towel to wipe his mouth contentedly.

Finally, she completely ate rowan family‘s fat meat. It was good that she didn‘t have to worry about going far away for a while.

As soon as I am in a good mood, I wonder if I want to go somewhere for recreation. I‘d better call on some beautiful boys to pinch their shoulders and beat their legs. They are very beautiful.

… …

Claudia laughed when the red Lamborghini hit.

Why are you so familiar with this?

It seems that she used it to deal with Song Liancheng a long time ago. This is called, the tables have turned?

Curious, who accosted her in this way?

She sat firmly in the driver‘s seat and waited.

Less than a minute later, the window was knocked.

Claudia lowered the window and waited for a few seconds before turning his head.

Sure enough, the people standing outside the car were dazzled by her and almost lost their footing.

"You hit my car!"

Return to absolute being, the man shouted.

No, it should not be called a man, it should be called a boy.

Claudia‘s elbow was propped up on the window and Pamela looked at him laughing.

Isn‘t this Tang‘s little childe?

Tang Duo cough softly, "why? Do you want to default?"

Children, just inexperienced.

With a "click", Claudia pushed open the car door.

Tang Duo staggered back two steps and stood still with his neck stuck.

Looking at his own car and the other party‘s car, Claudia blinked, "How is Tang Gongzi going to make me compensate?"

"Do you know me?" Tang Duoyang was so young that he could not hide anything at all. When Claudia recognized him, his surprise and excitement were too exaggerated.

Claudia leaned against the car and smiled enchanting at him: "Who doesn‘t know Tang Gongzi?"

"Hey hey." Tang Duoyang scratched his head shyly. "I know you too, Claudia, and you are also famous."

"Well, it‘s a pity that it‘s not a good reputation."

"..." Tang Duoyang looked at her stupefied, don‘t know what to say.

Claudia pointed to the clubhouse gate and asked him, "Are you here too?"

Tang Duo nodded at closing time.

She said, "Coincidentally, so do I. Why don‘t you join us?"

Tang Duo was overjoyed by the sudden invitation. He was going to strike up a conversation with her.

"Good, good."

He came up and took his arm. Claudia said softly, "then go."

Tang Duo was confused by the beauty for a long time and only giggled.

To say that this little Tang childe is quite good-looking.

On the contrary, the immaturity in the delicate and pretty is a unique temperament. It happened that there is cunning in the big eyes. If Claudia hadn‘t passed Qian Fan long ago, it would have been possible to be fascinated by him just like those little celebrities.

Tang Duo often comes to this club, but Claudia is the first time.

As soon as he entered, the manager knew that Tang Gongzi was coming and welcomed him out in person.

"Mr. Tang, you haven‘t been here for a long time."

Tang Duo immediately felt twice as proud and said with his arrogant chin, "Well, I brought my friends here today."

The manager was skillful and said at once, "Tang Gongzi‘s private room has been ready all the time. I‘ll find someone to lead you up?"


Claudia took the wind today and said that the president of Xueguo WT Company would come here for dinner today. She wanted to come and see if she could lead a cooperation or something, but she didn‘t expect to meet Tang Duo.

This is in a very high position in the Tang family. Old Mrs. Tang hurts him as much as her heart, liver, flesh and eyeballs.

Thought of here, Claudia smiled more truly.

Kill two birds with one stone, it is really worthwhile to visit.

Tang Duoyang drank with his glass in his hand, his eyes nailed to Claudia‘s body, as if she were drinking in his mouth.

Claudia is used to such explicit eyes. He is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not in a hurry. His red lips are against the edge of the goblet and he delivers wine to his mouth bit by bit.


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